Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Using your Voice

Being heard in a time of so much internet noise may require you to stretch your boundaries and get out from behind the computer a while. To be real again and share your gifts. After sitting behind a desk for a couple of years struggling to become the techie I am not. I threw the tech geek stuff into the air in exhaustion and dismay. Decided it was time to have some fun doing what I love which is talking with people. Sharing who I am, and the gifts I have with others. Along the way I've met some great new people, who love people too. I am grateful to all the internet guru's who gave me lessons in marketing, which I will continue to apply in a somewhat different manner.

If you are looking for a new way of expression. Go talk to my friend Wayne,, and tell him Rene Remington sent you.
Let me know how you like him

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